Description du Concert
Concert de musique de la Renaissance anglaise
Au luth : Samuel Manzano
Avec un quatuor de flûtes à bec
Mass for four voices – William Byrd
Kyrie Eleison
Gloria in Excelsis
Credo in unum Deum
Sanctus Benedictus
Partie Profane
Oeuvre pour luth
Though Amaryllis dance in green, Psalmes, sonets, songs, William Byrd
Go crystal tears, John Dowland
Oeuvre pour flûtes
Now is the month of Maying – The First Booke of Balets, Thomas Morley
Construe my meaning, Giles Farnaby
Though Philomela lost her love, Thomas Morley
Oeuvre pour flûtes et luth
Weep, o mine eyes, John Bennet
Trust not too much, fair youth, Orlando Gibbons
Hark, all ye lovely saints, Thomas Weelkes
Oeuvre pour flûtes
Come again, John Dowland
Fair Phyllis saw, John Farmer
Though Amaryllis dance in green, Psalmes, sonets, songs, William Byrd
Though Amaryllis dance in green, William Byrd